Kyperounta needs no special introduction, a mountainous village and one of the most beautiful villages in Cyprus this year is introduced to us as a Christmas village. The event in combination with the greenery and the dew is worth visiting, especially if you have children or for a dose of festive Christmas atmosphere.

Of course, we had another reason to enjoy the visit as we saw the completion of the primary school of Kyperounta, a project in collaboration with J. MANTIS CONSTRUCTIONS LTD that used on its roofs our Tegal Argilla roof tile of the Italian company WIERER.

TegalArgilla is completely flat in natural color and has excellent waterproofing properties, especially important for the high altitude of the village, which are also guaranteed for 30 years.

Tiles Tegal ArgillaTiles Tegal Argilla

At the exit of the village one can also see an impressive private house also with the Tegal Argilla tiles.

Tegal Argilla tiles private house

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